About Us

Our Story
The child advocacy center (CAC) model was developed in the mid-1980’s to coordinate the investigation, treatment, and prosecution of child abuse cases by using a multidisciplinary team approach. Before this process was established, child victims and their non-offending caregivers were subjected to a stressful, disjointed, and difficult journey through the criminal and civil legal systems. Successful outcomes were often hindered by this ineffective method.
By early 2020, the only counties in Indiana not utilizing this now national best practice response model were Randolph and Jay.
The Advocacy Center was established with the purpose of ensuring that the child victims in those communities receive the same high quality response afforded to others throughout the state and nation.
Since first opening the doors in November 2020, over 600 victims have been served and both the response and prevention programs have expanded rapidly to meet an even larger than anticipated need.
Our Impact
Over 485 Forensic Interviews Conducted
Over 900 Victims Served
99% Caregiver Satisfaction Rate
Over 6,800 Students Educated